+1 516.385.9844 info@uh-inc.com

Professional Business Consulting

Unlimited perspective - Realized Opportunities

Corporate Turnarounds

 In addition to its restructuring activities, Unlimited Horizons selectively advises companies facing substantial changes due to rapid expansion, downturns, consolidation or other challenges on a variety of strategic, financial and operating matters. Such changes create significant problems that cannot be solved by incremental changes.

 Unlimited Horizons provides assessments, consulting and interim management addressing these problems. Acting as or working in close association with the turnaround manager, the firm: 

  • Assesses critical financial problems, critical customer problems, critical management and employee problems
  • Assists in the development of strategic and operating plans
  • Identifies growth opportunities and strategic partnerships
  • Implements sales, profitability and operating improvement programs

The firm’s principals are qualified/certified in Lean Flow principles, Six Sigma quality management, value-stream mapping and supply chain connectivity. Our expertise includes:


  • Assessing strategies and generating a value creation plan
  • Assessing management teams and developing succession plans
  • Assessing potential value of financial engineering and implementing action plans
  • Reengineering of business processes
  • Introducing operational improvements thereby cutting costs, increasing sales and quality and boosting customer satisfaction
  • Implementing value-oriented targets and performance measures, based on uncovering true operational metrics that drive their business
  • Focusing the company’s energy and resources, thereby re-energizing the company’s culture

Restructuring Services

 If a company is underperforming, restructuring can often multiply its value by a substantial factor.

 Under-performing companies require special treatment. Unlimited Horizons’ restructuring services are designed to help clients with limited options to select and implement the actions most likely to close the value gap. Usually restructuring engagements involve a sequence that includes:  

  • Initial assessment  
  • Identifying internal improvement potentials  
  • Identifying potential disposals  
  • Identifying organic growth opportunities  
  • Identifying acquisition opportunities  
  • Preparing a financial restructuring plan  
  • Formulating an operating plan  
  • Implementing a communication plan for stakeholders  
  • Structuring and negotiating financing  
  • Implementing and executing operating improvements 

Unlimited Horizons has the experience to implement a restructuring process and to deploy seasoned advisors with expertise in accomplishing business process changes.